I can't help but post some kwento as it hits home because barely 1 month ago, my man admitted to me that once upon a time in December 2010, together with his friends, they went to a bar and table a GRO . He said that his friends insist that he should have one for himself and its free, his friend's treat, and to my dismay, he accepted it daw (Grrr!).
He didn't know that it reached me and my family's attention last 2011 pa, my family has a different story to tell, ang nakarating sa kanilang maling balita is Jonathan has a kept woman. When he confessed that to me i told him i know that already and talk to him seriously about the said rumors and he said that cross his heart and hope to die, that was the first time he went on a club and nothing happened, he just talk to that girl, drink some beers then go home with his friends and he told me in all honesty that nothing's happened and asked for forgiveness, for not telling me right away.
And I forgive and believe him right away (but with so much crying on the side because of slight jealousy) despite my family's different views and opinions.
Maybe my co-n@wies is right in saying that "I/we cannot tell you that's cheating... nor can we tell you it's not because it's how you define trust, cheating, loyalty, etc that will matter... not ours. And by definition, it's not just in the head... but what's in your heart. What can you forgive, understand, live with, etc"
And besides, that situation is a lot easier compared to the trials we've been through for the past 7 long years of being together....
~ d Princess Diary page 27 ~